ENT refers to Ear, Nose and Throat. There are several problems concerning ear, nose & throat which are closely associated with each other. Therefore, they are given as a distinct specialty. These problems include – nose blocks, nose bleeds, vertigo, sinusitis, harshness in voice and hearing loss. ENT field is also related to dealing with problems of neck and head area, which includes all sorts of tumors, infectious diseases and face deformities.
An ENT specialist in Chandigarh plays a huge role in maintaining health & well-being of patients. He or she is able to provide specialty treatment for following conditions:
-> Sleep apnea – Sleep apnea, noticeable by restlessness and loud snoring, is a situation that can lead to constant fatigue throughout the day. An ENT doctor can prescribe such patients few medicines, changes in sleeping poses and sometimes even a surgery.
-> Bacterial infection – Bacterial infection, found in throat, leads to inflamed and irritated tissues that cause sore throat. Common symptoms associated with the problem are headache, appetite loss, mild fever, swollen tonsils and vomiting.
-> Tonsillitis – It refers to the soreness of the tonsils that is caused by infections. An ENT specialist in Chandigarh would be able to help patients to get relief from pain and other issues associated with tonsils.
-> Tinnitus – Tinnitus patients hear head noises that may range from low, alternating from purring to high squeals. This problem may occur by a certain infection or aging. ENT doctors would prescribe certain medications to deal with it.
-> Sinusitis – When conditions of sinus last for a longer period, visit to an ENT specialist is a must. He/she will check for any respiratory tract issues.
-> Ear drum damage – This problem can arise due to infection or some trauma. ENT specialists would use otoscope to find out the extent of damage.
An experienced ENT specialist in Chandigarh would be completely equipped, so that he/she can deal with all problems related to ear, nose and throat efficiently and effectively. These specialists will study the medical history of their patients to understand the symptoms and medicines taken in the past. They will then go through detailed examination of nose, ear and throat and recommend a suitable treatment procedure. During this process, ENT specialists might use some advanced and high-tech tools to get into the problem deeper.
For treatment of any of these ENT problems, a combination of Indian herbs, alternative therapies and western medicines is usually the best. Such treatment will be able to provide the best results. So, for any of the problems related to ear, nose and throat, consider visiting an ENT specialist in Chandigarh and not a general practitioner. Specialists would be able to fix all the problems in a much effective way visit www.cmcmohali.com .
An ENT specialist in Chandigarh plays a huge role in maintaining health & well-being of patients. He or she is able to provide specialty treatment for following conditions:
-> Sleep apnea – Sleep apnea, noticeable by restlessness and loud snoring, is a situation that can lead to constant fatigue throughout the day. An ENT doctor can prescribe such patients few medicines, changes in sleeping poses and sometimes even a surgery.
-> Bacterial infection – Bacterial infection, found in throat, leads to inflamed and irritated tissues that cause sore throat. Common symptoms associated with the problem are headache, appetite loss, mild fever, swollen tonsils and vomiting.
-> Tonsillitis – It refers to the soreness of the tonsils that is caused by infections. An ENT specialist in Chandigarh would be able to help patients to get relief from pain and other issues associated with tonsils.
-> Tinnitus – Tinnitus patients hear head noises that may range from low, alternating from purring to high squeals. This problem may occur by a certain infection or aging. ENT doctors would prescribe certain medications to deal with it.
-> Sinusitis – When conditions of sinus last for a longer period, visit to an ENT specialist is a must. He/she will check for any respiratory tract issues.
-> Ear drum damage – This problem can arise due to infection or some trauma. ENT specialists would use otoscope to find out the extent of damage.
An experienced ENT specialist in Chandigarh would be completely equipped, so that he/she can deal with all problems related to ear, nose and throat efficiently and effectively. These specialists will study the medical history of their patients to understand the symptoms and medicines taken in the past. They will then go through detailed examination of nose, ear and throat and recommend a suitable treatment procedure. During this process, ENT specialists might use some advanced and high-tech tools to get into the problem deeper.
For treatment of any of these ENT problems, a combination of Indian herbs, alternative therapies and western medicines is usually the best. Such treatment will be able to provide the best results. So, for any of the problems related to ear, nose and throat, consider visiting an ENT specialist in Chandigarh and not a general practitioner. Specialists would be able to fix all the problems in a much effective way visit www.cmcmohali.com .
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