Monday, 12 December 2011

Pain relief with spine surgery

Back pain is among the common issues that most people suffer at a certain age in their life. If it occurs due to a shock or accident it can be traced, but if it results with age or standing and sitting habit then the actual cause becomes a little difficult to trace. The actual cause needs to be studied properly because at times the pain doesn’t diminish with medication and other non surgical treatment and spine surgery has to be considered. Spine is a complex structure and it is made of a combination of individual bone known as vertebrae which is connected by ligaments and muscles. There are flat and spongy inter vertebral disc that separates all the vertebrae and also provides cushion to them. The combination of vertebrae, discs, ligaments and muscles form spine and column and makes it flexible and bendable.

Spine surgery usually the last stage of treating back pain, but has to be performed immediately in few emergencies and accidental cases. Back pain is a chronic difficulty and time to get resolved and completely cured. The most unbearable part about spine deformity is its unbearable pain and difficulty in performing day to day task for which various treatments are available today. Discectomy means removing a portion of spinal disc from in between vertebrae. The most common reason for this type of a surgery is herniated disc or slipped disc which is a result of injury wherein the central disc dislocated and bulges out cause enormous pain. Foramenotomy is another spine surgery done to remove pressure on the nerve, here the pain is much more than a herniated disc because the nerve gets pressed and a certain portion of bones and tissues are removed to release the nerve.

Laminectomy is a surgery to relieve force from the spinal cord itself. It is the most common treatment for spinal stenosis in which pressure grows around the spinal nerves and spinal cord. This might also be accompanied with spinal fusion to alleviate the spinal column. A spinal fusion is done to get rid of motion between neighboring vertebrae. It is a perfect solution for spondylolisthesis. Fusion here means joining two vertebrae together and it is often supported with metal rods and screws till the bone heals completely. The main purpose of this spine surgery is to deal with issues that do not show improvement with nonsurgical treatment. These surgeries are done for final cure of issues and not to find a cause for a pain. Identifiable anatomic lesion is also important to find out the exact spot of trouble in the highly complex spinal cord.

Modern surgeries have made major progression in both modern techniques and instrumentation in the past few years. The most important development in the field of spine surgery is the preoperative imaging that has given immense support to surgeons to recognize accurately the cause of pain. This has made things easy for the surgeon for locating the exact spot and treating that very cause of pain at the very first instance. MIR scan that is magnetic resonance imaging completely revolutionized the methods of back and neck surgery that helps surgeons to deliver effective solution to your back problems. For more details visit .

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