Thursday, 29 December 2011

Piles or hemorrhoid is among the commonest ailment among men and women alike

Constipation is considered to be its most common reason and the disease occurs close to the rectum and fistula. It has affected almost half the population of the world at a certain age of their life and it usually occurs after the age of 30 to 35 but can happen at any age group. The initial stages can be cured using some cream or home remedies but the higher stages need piles treatment in Chandigarh that is quite accessible and affordable. Hemorrhoid can also be a result of various other reasons like eating habits, constant sitting jobs, straining bowel movement, lifting heavy weights and even outcome of sexual practices. Pregnant women might complain of having hemorrhoid due to the strain of holding a baby then giving birth .The anus has veins which tend to stretch in pressure, these veins are present to give cushion and protection to the anal canal and when they swell and even come out of the rectum. This condition is called as piles and causes enormous pain and irritation.

Piles treatment in Chandigarh relives you from the symptoms of pain that includes soreness, itching, pain during bowel movement, blood in the stools and a feeling of lumps inside the anus and protruding outside. The examination of the disease is done through a proctoscope in which a small transparent tube is inserted in to anus and the passage is examined by the doctors. If the cause is not found a longer tube sigmoidoscope is used to rule out the issues. By having a close look doctor find out the stage of the piles and further recommend its medication or surgery if needed. The first degree involves swelling inside the anus and it might bleed with the stool. Second degree piles are slightly bigger and might protrude outside when bowels open but go inside naturally. Third degree and external piles but smaller and less painful than the fourth degree but can be treated with an injection where as fourth degree needs a surgery.

All Piles treatment in Chandigarh are available and for all stages and guarantee complete cure for your pain. There are out patient treatment in which the patient doesn’t need to get hospitalized and can go back to their home the very same of the surgery. The most common and effective solution to hemorrhoid is banding and works well for the second and third stage of piles. An elastic band is placed right above the anus covering the pile which gradually stops the flow of blood in the vein causing trouble and it falls in few days. Another outpatient treatment is sclerotherapy in which a chemical is injected to the vein causing first and second degree hemorrhoid that stops the flow of blood and hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off. In patients’ treatment in which patients needs to stay overnight are haemorrhoidectomy and haemorrhoidopexy also called as stapler surgery. These are used for the last stages in which the condition has worsened. General anesthesia is used, in the first case the pile is cut of along with the muscle underneath and the vein is tied to prevent bleeding. In the second surgery a doughnut shaped stapler is used that hold the pile and when stapler is released it cuts the vein and blocks it further growth. For more details visit .

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